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May 26, 2000

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!


CIC Demands Investigation into Pro-China Bribery

CIC members visited Capitol Hill on May 23rd and urged undecided Congressmen to vote "no" on PNTR to China. In a symbolic message, CIC distributed chopsticks bearing Chinese lettering, bound together with a small white flag at the ends, and accompanied with a flyer reading: "Please don't surrender to the Red China lobby! Please don't cower to the Clinton White House!" While CIC was successful in helping persuade a few Representatives to vote against H.R. 4444, it wasn't enough to sway those Republicans and Democrats who acted as lackeys for pro-communist China forces. One brave opponent of PNTR, Rep. Merrill Cook (R-UT), has publicly denounced a "bribe" of $200,000 offered to him from the Red China lobby if he switched his vote. "It is an outrage that congressional votes were trying to be bought so blatantly," says CIC's Jack Clayton. "This is criminal influence peddling and there needs to be an investigation." CIC is demanding a bi-partisan inquiry by the House Ethics Committee, and CIC is also asking all its supporters to contact the committee at: 202-225-7103, Fax 202-225-7392 and E-Mail at .


Recent reports indicate that Elian Gonzalez may be moved soon to the Washington, DC compound of the Youth For Understanding (YFU) exchange student organization. "I am shocked that a supposedly non-political organization would allow themselves to become politicized by Fidel Castro and Bill Clinton," says CIC's Scott Lauf. "In 1987 I was a YFU student in Goya, Argentina and proud of it; but today I am deeply ashamed. It is abundantly clear that YFU is now pro-Castro and they want to use this little boy as a tool to open a new exchange with Cuba." CIC's Lauf is urging all supporters to contact YFU and denounce this latest exploitation of Elian. Call 1-800-TEENAGE; Write: 3501 Newark St. NW, Washington, DC 20016-3199; FAX: 202-895-1104; and E-Mail:


Officers of the Albany Police Honor Guard were repeatedly spat upon by delegates representing Hillary Clinton. At the recent New York State Democratic Convention where Hillary was officially nominated as the Democratic Senatorial candidate, several delegates of the crowd of liberals spit on and heckled at five Albany police guards, calling some "Nazis" and "Giuliani's Third Reich."


The White House legal vendetta against Linda Tripp has finally ended. Reeling from embarrassment, Maryland state prosecutors have dropped charges against Linda Tripp for her secret tape recordings with Monica Lewinsky. Last week, a Howard County judge ruled that Lewinsky would not be able to testify in the trial. "This renders the prosecution's case a pointless charade," says longtime CIC leader Mike Davis.


The Arkansas Supreme Court's ethics panel has finally made its official recommendation that Bill Clinton be stripped of his law license for his contempt of court charges and perjury. Eight of the 13 panel members who were close cronies of Clinton were pressured by the White House to withdraw themselves from the case. Nonetheless, the remaining members found courage enough to side with the rule of law. It is now up to an Arkansas county circuit court to render a final decision.


Bill Clinton and Al Gore set a world-record in fundraising by cashing in with more than $26 million dollars in one night at Washington's MCI Center! Over 12,000 donors paid "tribute" to the Clinton White House --- including 26 top celebrities and bigwigs who forked over $500,000 each. Funnyman and ex-cocaine addict Robin Williams gave a wild pro-Clinton speech laced with numerous four-letter expletives, shocking children who were in attendance. The money raised at this event will be spent by the Democratic National Committee in helping to elect Al Gore and other liberal Democrats in November.

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