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Santa Ana's Revenge: Dual Citizenship

by D.J. McGuire

For the past thirteen months, Bill Clinton has said, and repeated ad nauseam, that he will merely, "do the job I've been hired to do for the American people." What the American people have failed to notice is that he is doing his job - horrendously. While the nation examined Clinton's crime of commission, he embarked on a dangerous crime of omission: mainly failing to lift a finger in protest of the Mexican government's plan to allow "dual citizenship" to all its expatriates, including the thousands residing here legally and illegally. The effects for America will be disastrous, but the Administration did nothing but wink at the Mexican government.

The concept of dual citizenship is simple. Many of the thousands of immigrants from Mexico have avoided becoming citizens for fear of losing their Mexican citizenship. With the new law, Mexico City solved that problem for them. They can now become U.S. citizens while still holding Mexican citizenship. Officially, Washington frowns on such things, but without enforcement, no law has real teeth. Judging from Clinton's reaction, dual citizenship is on its way.

The results for American culture, politics, and even her existence are perilous. Thousands, perhaps millions, of American citizens will have divided loyalties. Mexican law will easily cross the border into the United States, with the Mexican government close behind. Jurisdictional battles could thwart law enforcement. Mexican regulators, in defense of their citizens, could run roughshod over American citizens' liberties.

The culture shock could be enormous. The great American melting pot will become a Balkanized deep freeze. Americanization, already under assault from multiculturalists and radical immigrant groups, could easily succumb to the reality of American citizens loyal to Mexico (or anywhere else) not just as expatriates, but as legal citizens with institutional ties to the home country just as strong as to this one. As immigrant group reinforce their cultural differences with binding legal obligations and benefits, ethnic tension and violence will hit through the nation like a thunderstorm, and without the lightning rod of assimilation, the house could be destroyed.

The politics of dual citizenship are equally horrific. Any action taken against a country by the U.S. would automatically upset not merely that country, but her citizens who are also American voters. Any president would be hesitant to risk alienating that group. In Mexico's case, perhaps millions of voters will hang in the balance. There is ample evidence that Mexico is succumbing to the drug trade. What president would order punitive action against Mexico at the risk of angering her dual citizens here?

Farther into the future, dual citizenship could become a weapon used to swipe large swaths of territory form the United States. As dual citizens pour into the country, whose knows to what nation they are truly loyal? Should a conflict between nations arise, will they choose America? Or their native land? Unless we eliminate the rights of all our citizens, we risk dual citizens taking up arms against us in battle. Thus, dual citizenship could provide cover for invasion on the installment plan. One can only imagine how delighted Santa Ana is at the prospect of Mexico retaking California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas in the next century.

These concerned mattered not at all to Bill Clinton. He saw how speeding up citizenship of immigrants meant more Democratic voters in 1996. The corners cut by the INS lead to untold numbers of criminals sworn in as citizens. But what's a few citizens of questionable loyalty if they'll win you California?

Bill Clinton is playing a dangerous game with dual citizenship. For more Democratic votes, he's risking cultural atomization, political paralysis, and possible future conquests by hostile powers. His lack of action has risked the more perfect Union, undermined the common defense, threatened the general welfare, and corroded the rights and liberties of the people of this country. This amounts to a high crime by anyone's definition, and it must be stopped.

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